At RTG University, the journey spans three distinct biblical classes: "Head, Heart & Hand." The classes offer a holistic educational experience, spanning the foundation of values and beliefs, personal development, and practical application aligned with biblical principles.


Saturdays at 2:30pm

Enrollment Required

Lunch N Learn offers a dynamic, bi-weekly experience focused on studying the Bible on its own terms. Tailored for genuine understanding, the class encourages participants to approach the text without preconceived notions, fostering lively discussions and insights. This two-hour session, conveniently scheduled after lunch, provides a supportive space for exploring the Bible's teachings, promoting personal and spiritual growth. As part of RTG University, it invites newcomers and those seeking a fresh perspective on a modern journey of discovery and enlightenment.


Saturdays at 9:45am.

Enrollment Required

Fundamentals, a foundational class at RTG University, serves as an essential stepping stone for those aspiring to become a servant leader within the RTG church. This 1-hour class explores the fundamental beliefs encapsulated in our ABCD principles (Admit, Believe, Commit, Disciple), providing participants with a thorough understanding of the core tenets that define us. Beyond mere knowledge acquisition, Fundamentals is an interactive journey where participants engage in dynamic discussions, ask probing questions, and explore the practical application of these foundational beliefs. Each session, lasting 1 hour, offers a transformative experience, preparing individuals to lead with a solid grounding in RTG's core beliefs. Join us in this enriching class, where breakfast is included, as we dive into the heart of our faith and community.


Fridays at 7pm

Enrollment Required

The Leadership Toolbox is a transformative class designed to equip individuals for leadership roles within the RTG church. This comprehensive course covers spiritual power, emotional IQ, relationship IQ, effective Bible study, and public speaking—essential elements for holistic leadership. Beyond titles, our focus is on personal growth and service. Participants, whether seasoned or new to leadership aspirations, will gain practical tools to study the Bible, apply its wisdom to real-world challenges, and develop the skills necessary for impactful leadership. Join us on this journey to unlock your leadership potential and contribute positively to the RTG church community.


Saturdays at 2:30pm

Enrollment Required

Activate, a transformative 4-week class at RTG University, unfolds the blueprint for a purposeful, mission-driven life. Join us for 2-hour dynamic sessions where participants will delve into the key aspects of intentional living. Through engaging discussions and practical insights, Activate is designed to empower everyone with the tools needed to embrace a life driven by a clear and intentional mission. Whether you're new to the concept or looking to deepen your understanding, this class provides a structured and inspiring journey towards unlocking the potential of living a purpose-filled life. Join us in the pursuit of activation, as we collectively explore what it truly means to lead an intentional and mission-driven life.