UPDATED 6/10/2024
ARTICLE I- The Church Community
Church Community- Servant Leaders and Active Servant Leaders
●Response to Grace Church is an inclusive community and does not hold any membership qualification to attend church, join a life group, and/or fellowship as a community member. All individuals and families who engage with RTG in this capacity are designated as a Servant Leader.
●An Active Servant Leader is a believer who stands by the ABCD fundamental beliefs, has been baptized by submersion, attends church regularly, serves others in some capacity, and contributes financially to the church.
The Process for Active Servant Leadership requires the following:
●Attend and complete fundamental ABCD bible courses. Once completed a certification of completion will be given.
●Be baptized by submersion
●Be in agreement with and have been signed off by the pastor as having a basic understanding of the RTG mission, fundamentals, and core values
Rights of Servant Leaders and Active Servant Leaders
●All Servant Leaders of RTG church, are welcome members to attend all open board meetings and voice their concerns and/or give counsel to the board of directors regarding its vision, mission, systems, and practices.
●Active Servant leaders of RTG church may elect fellow Active Servant leaders to serve in nominating committees and vote to accept new ministry leaders in RTG church. Active Servant leaders can also vote during all official business meetings on any and all topics brought before the church body for consideration.
●Servant Leader Record - The church should have one servant leader record. Names are added or removed only on the vote of the church or at death.
ARTICLE II- Ordinances
●The Ordinance of Baptism by immersion in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost as commanded in the Scriptures, shall be administered to all those who have believe in the Lord Jesus Christ to the saving of their souls (Matthew 28:19, Colossians 2:12).
●Baptismal Preparations - All believers must attend a baptism prep session prior to baptism. At the baptismal ceremony the servant leaders should make necessary preparations and also assist believers into and out of the water. Care should be exercised to see that proper attire is provided for the believers. The baptism should be followed by lunch celebration after church.
●Rebaptism - Rebaptism is specifically mentioned only in Acts 19:1-7, where the apostle Paul endorsed it for a group of believers whose previous baptism of repentance had been by John. In addition to repentance, Christian baptism is associated with an understanding of and personal commitment to the gospel and the teachings of Jesus and a reception of the Holy Spirit. With this increased understanding and commitment, rebaptism is acceptable. To administer baptism repeatedly or on an emotional basis lessens its meaning and represents a misunderstanding of the gravity and significance that Scripture assigns to it.
●The Believer’s Journey to Baptism- Believers seeking baptism by immersion at Response to Grace must have a clear understanding of the ABCD Fundamentals Beliefs (Admit, Believe, Commit, Disciple).
●The Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper - Angels declare that Jesus, the Redeemer of this world, is holy. Likewise, the symbols representing His body and His blood are holy. Since the Lord Himself selected the deeply meaningful symbols of the unleavened bread and unfermented fruit of the vine and used the simplest of means for washing the disciples’ feet, there should be great reluctance to introduce alternative symbols and means, except under emergency conditions, lest the original significance of the service be lost. Likewise, in the order of service and the traditional roles played by the pastor, elders, deacons, and deaconesses, there should be caution lest substitution and innovation tend to make common that which is sacred. The service of the Lord’s Supper is just as holy today as it was when instituted by Jesus Christ. Jesus is still present when this sacred ordinance is celebrated. “It is at these, His own appointments, that Christ meets His people, and energizes them by His presence.” The ordinance of the Lord’s Supper shall be observed regularly as a part of public worship, as commanded by the Lord (Luke 22:19, 20; I Corinthians 11:23-26).
Unleavened Bread and Unfermented Wine (Grape Juice)— “Christ is still at the table on which the paschal supper has been spread. The unleavened cakes used at the Passover season are before Him. The Passover wine, untouched by fermentation, is on the table. These emblems Christ employs to represent His own unblemished sacrifice. Nothing corrupted by fermentation, the symbol of sin and death, could represent the ‘Lamb without blemish and without spot.’ 1 Peter 1:19.”—DA 653. Neither the wine nor the bread contained elements of fermentation because on the evening of the first day of the Hebrew Passover all leaven, or fermentation, had been removed from their dwellings (Ex. 12:15, 19; 13:7). Therefore, only unfermented grape juice and unleavened bread are appropriate for use in the communion service, and great care must be exercised in providing these elements.
The Ordinance of Foot-Washing -
●“Now, having washed the disciples’ feet, He said, ‘I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.’ In these words, Christ was not merely enjoining the practice of hospitality. More was meant than the washing of the feet of guests to remove the dust of travel. Christ was here instituting a religious service. By the act of our Lord this ceremony was made a consecrated ordinance.
●conveys a message of forgiveness, acceptance, assurance, and solidarity, primarily from Christ to the believer, but also between the believers themselves. This message is expressed in an atmosphere of humility.
(D) Office Ordination - Newly elected deacons, deaconess, and Elders should be ordained by an ordained pastor. The sacred rite of Ordination should be characterized by simplicity and performed in the presence of the church. The pastor may give a brief outline of the biblical office and the qualities required for service for deacon, deaconess or elder the qualities required for service. After a short exhortation to faithfulness in service, the pastor, assisted by an elder where appropriate, ordains the deacon, deaconess, or elder by prayer and the laying on of hands. Elders subsequently elected servant leaders need not be ordained as servant leaders because ordination as elder covers this office.
Children’s Dedication
●Infants and small children may be dedicated to the Lord in the church upon the request of the parents or guardians and after meeting with the pastor (Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15, 16). While the ceremony itself is the moment when a child is dedicated to God, the purpose of the ceremony is to dedicate ourselves to raising up the child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Dedicating a child is a time when a pastor and parents stand before the congregation, hold the child, pray over them, and ask for God’s guidance as he or she grows. It is a meaningful moment in the life of the family. It is a public promise to the rest of the church (and to God and to the child) that the parents will prayerfully teach and lead the child in a Christ-like walk. By publicly showing their intentions, they are held accountable by all those who watch. Although most of the dedication ceremony covers the expectations of the families to God and the child, a meeting between the pastor and the parents is required prior to the ceremony. This is to discuss their faith, meaning and purpose of the ceremony, and ensure the sincerity of the parents wanting to participate.
Laying on of hands
●The ministry of laying on of hands accompanied with the anointing with oil, for the healing of the sick, shall be granted as a request is made and the need may require (Mark 16:18; James 5:14).
ARTICLE III- Accountability
Statement on Church Accountability
●The threefold purpose of church accountability is to glorify God by promoting integrity in the local church (1 Cor. 5:6), to edify believers, deter sin,(1 Tim. 5:20), and to protect the spiritual welfare of servant leaders(Gal. 6:1).
●The Lord Jesus Christ has entrusted the local church with the authority and responsibility to discipline members for flagrant sin or serious doctrinal error, with the goal of the restoration of the offender. This discipline is entrusted to the Pastoral Staff and Board of directors and is to follow the biblical pattern as set forth in Matthew 18:15-20; 1 Corinthians 5; 2 Corinthians 2:7-8; Galatians 6:1; 2 Thessalonians 3:6; Titus 3:10-11; and 2 John 7-11. Any member of this church who practices or affirms a doctrine or conduct that, in the judgment of the Pastoral Staff and Board of directors, is opposed to the teaching of the Word of God, or is threatening to the testimony of this church, or is divisive to the body, shall be subject to church discipline.
●Discipline will follow the said biblical pattern and is an effort to bring the individual to repentance and protect the church from unrepentant sin. An individual may be disciplined by the Pastoral Staff and board of directors short of dismissal from the fellowship, as they deem appropriate for the specific circumstance (for example, an individual may remain in certain circumstances a member of this church but be denied the privilege of serving in a particular ministry). The Pastoral Staff and board of directors, as is required by Scripture, may report to the congregation the names of those who have lost membership by reason of church discipline, and the reason for that discipline, as described in Matthew 18:15-20.
The officers of Response to Grace Church shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer. The pastor shall be considered the President of the Corporation and the Vice-President the Head Spiritual Coach. There shall not be less than three (3) officers (directors) at any time. The board of directors shall handle the business of the church and therefore should be business minded. They should see into the spiritual side of all business as well. These should lay hold of the vision given them and see it is implemented.
Section 1. Term of Office: The Pastor is the President of the Corporation. He is also an Elder holding the office of pastor. The pastor shall hold this office for a 4 year term at which point the position will be up for an evaluation/review.
Section 2. Vacancy of Pastorate: The vacancy shall be filled by a ¾ vote by the Church membership. Pastor will make recommendations to the church. It is best to follow the examples set forth in scripture of the person called by God (pastor or other fivefold minister) to pass the mantle on to the one God has chosen and shown him (Joshua 1, 1 Kings 19:19-21, 2 Kings 2:1-14). Imparting the anointing and call of God to the one who has already proven themselves to be faithful (2 Timothy 2:2, Luke 16:12) If church rejects the recommendation...the process will defer to option 2. 2nd Option: A Pulpit Search Committee may be selected who will search for pastoral candidates and submit them for final approval to the church members.The Pulpit Search Committee shall consist of the Vice President, Secretary – Treasurer and no more than 6 Members nominated by the Board. The pulpit search committee will search for and evaluate candidates for submission to the church.
Section 3. Duties of Pastor: The Pastor shall be considered the spiritual overseer of the church who directs all the church activities and meets all the necessary S.M.A.R.T. DELIVERABLES established by the Board. He shall preside over all business meetings of the church and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and departments.
The Vice-President of the Corporation shall be the head Elder (head spiritual coach). He must be one who is trusted by the pastor with adequate business and leadership gifts to take charge in the Pastor/President’s absence. He shall be appointed by the Pastor and ratified by the majority vote of the church membership.
The Secretary-Treasurer of the Corporation shall be appointed the majority vote of the Church Membership. A secretary or administrative assistant may be utilized in the day-to-day record keeping (accounts receivable and payable) as is necessary.
Directors shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary - Treasurer, Board of Elders, and any church department directors. Department Directors are appointed by a Nominating Committee. The Board of Elders shall fill the office of Directors and officers of the Corporation when qualified persons are lacking to fill such positions.
The Nominating Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary – Treasurer and 8 -11 Members nominated by the church prior to the annual business meeting.
BOARD OF ELDERS (Spiritual Coaches)
The Board of Elders shall be appointed by the Pastor and ratified by the church members. There shall not be less than three (3) and no more than nine (9). They are to be called upon to fill the pulpit, to pray for the sick, visit newcomers, shut-ins, absentees, and hospital visitation. They shall also, along with the Pastor, seek God’s direction for the church, and support the pastor in the vision given him by God, in the church’s present and future ministry.
Requirements: An Elder must be an ordained member of Response to Grace Church.
The Elders shall act as the Communion Board. One man shall be appointed to serve as Chairman of the Communion Board. It shall be his duty to make arrangements for the preparation and serving of communion when announced by the Pastor.
The Pastor shall have the authority to declare any office vacant. Grounds for such action shall be:
1.Failure to cooperate with the church’s program and ministry.
2.Unscriptural conduct.
3.Departure from statements of faith and fundamental beliefs.
4.For any good and sufficient cause. Any incumbent under charges shall have opportunity for a fair and impartial hearing before the joint meeting of the Board of Directors.
Section 1. Meetings for Worship. Meetings for public worship shall be held on each Sabbath (Friday sundown – Saturday sunset) during the week as may be provided for under the direction of the Pastor.
Section 2. Annual business meeting. There shall be an Annual Business Meeting of Response to Grace Church. This business meeting shall be held at the end of the fiscal year (October – December). New officers, elders and deacons shall be installed and all reports shall be read at the Annual Business Meeting.
Section 3. Special business meetings. Special business meetings may be called by the pastor or by written petition of three-fourths (3/4) of the legal membership.
Section 4. Notice of business meetings. Notice of the date and place of the Annual Business Meeting and of any special business meetings shall be sent by announced at the worship services of Response to Grace Church to all active members at least ten (10) days and not more than thirty days prior to such meeting.
Section 5. Quorum. The Quorum shall consist of those members present in voting at a dully called meeting.
Section 6. Voting. Any action taken by the membership requires a majority vote with a quorum present unless stated otherwise in the constitution and bylaws
Section 7. Order of Business. The regular order of business for the Annual Business Meeting of Response to Grace Church shall be as follows:
2.Reading of previous minutes.
3.Report of the treasurer.
4.Report of committees.
5.Unfinished business.
6.Installation of officers.
7.New business.
This order of business may be altered or suspended at any meeting by a majority vote of the members present. The usual parliamentary rules shall govern all debates when not in conflict with this Constitution.
1.All funds needed for the maintenance of Response to Grace Church shall be provided by voluntary contributions, tithes and offerings. Every member shall decide before God what he or she can cheerfully give to the support of the Lord’s work at home and in the foreign field (Malachi 3:10, I Corinthians 16:1-2; Romans 12:8).
2.All offerings shall be counted by at least two members.
3.Deposits must be made by Response to Grace Church promptly in a local bank.
4.A separate account will be established for Response to Grace Church.
5.Monthly reports will be furnished to the officers and made available to the membership.
6.Two signature checks are to be used.
7.The treasurer must be a board member of Response to Grace Church. However, a secretary or administrative assistant may be utilized in the day-to-day record keeping as necessary.
8.The Pastor shall act as overseer of all financial activities.
No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inherit to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees and Church Board Responsibilities
Section 1: Purpose and Authority
Board of Trustees:
1.The Board of Trustees is entrusted with all financial decision-making authority by the Church Board, effective from July 2023.
2.This Board of Trustees is responsible for developing and managing the financial strategy, budget, and financial decisions on behalf of Response to Grace Church (RTG).
3.The Board of Trustees is nominated by the Church Board and is accountable to the Church congregation.
4.All Board of Trustees and Church Board members must disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
Church Board:
1. The Church Board is responsible for all spiritual matters, internal and external events, usage of the facility, scheduling, roles, teaching, and overall direction of RTG.
2. The church Board also decides on any personnel to be placed on salary, with financial implications to be handled by the Board of Trustees, subject to approval by a church business meeting.
3. The Church Board is responsible for ensuring that the church is aligned with the mission and vision of RTG.
Section 2: Responsibilities
Board of Trustees Responsibilities:
1. Financial Strategy and Decisions:
o Develop and oversee the financial strategy for RTG.
o Make all financial decisions within the scope of the approved budget.
2. Budget Management:
o Create and manage a monthly budget for all departments.
o Review the budget on a quarterly basis to ensure alignment with the strategic priorities of RTG as outlined by the Church Board.
o Present the proposed budget updates to the congregation for approval at quarterly church business meetings.
3. Expenditure Approval:
o Approve expenditures up to $5,000 independently.
o Any expenditure exceeding $5,000 must be approved in a church business
o In cases of emergency financial decisions, the Board of Trustees is authorized to approve expenditures up to $5,000, with immediate notification to the Church Board and subsequent ratification at the next business meeting.
4. Salary Decisions:
o Determine appropriate salaries for personnel as decided by the Church Board, ensuring alignment with the church’s financial capability.
o All salary decisions must be approved in a church business meeting.
5. Expense Monitoring and Justification:
o Closely monitor the expenses of the church to ensure financial responsibility.
o Verify that all expenses are justified and necessary for the church's operations and ministries.
6. Departmental Financial Matters:
o When making decisions about budget cuts or increases affecting specific
departments, request the presence of the respective department director at the Board of Trustees meeting.
7. Spiritual Consideration:
o Ensure that financial decisions do not hinder the ability to perform ministry
effectively, recognizing that ministry entails costs.
8. Documentation and Record-Keeping:
o The Secretary of the Board of Trustees handles the minutes and record-keeping of meetings.
o The Treasurer handles the records of financial data.
o All Board of Trustees meetings and decisions must be thoroughly documented, with minutes distributed to the Church Board and made available to the congregation upon request.
9. Periodic Audit:
o The Board of Trustees shall arrange for an annual external audit of the church's financial statements and operations, with the results reported to the Church Board and the congregation.
Church Board Responsibilities:
1. Spiritual Oversight:
o Focus on spiritual leadership and direction for RTG, including teaching and
pastoral care.
2. Event and Facility Management:
o Oversee internal and external church events and the use of church facilities.
3. Role and Time Management:
o Manage roles, responsibilities, and scheduling within the church.
4. Personnel Decisions:
o Decide on personnel to be placed on salary, with financial details to be managed
by the Board of Trustees and approved by a church business meeting.
5. Alignment with Mission and Vision:
o Ensure that all activities and decisions align with the mission and vision of RTG.
Section 3: Decision-Making Process
1. Collaboration:
o The Board of Trustees must collaborate with the Church Board on any decisions that have financial implications.
o Any recommendations from the Church Board that involve a financial component
must be evaluated by the Board of Trustees
2. Approval of Major Expenditures:
o For any purchase or financial commitment exceeding $5,000, a business meeting with the church congregation is required for approval.
3. Approval of Salaries:
o All salary decisions made by the Board of Trustees must be approved in a
church business meeting.
4. Transparency and Communication:
o Maintain open communication between the Board of Trustees and the Church Board to ensure cohesive decision-making.
o Regularly report financial status and significant decisions to the Church Board and the congregation.
5. Regular Financial Reporting to Congregation:
o The Board of Trustees shall provide quarterly financial reports to the
congregation, including budget performance, major expenditures, and financial health.
o The Chair of the Board of Trustees is responsible for sharing this information at the quarterly church meetings.
Section 4: Composition and Appointment
1. Board of Trustees Composition:
o Members of the Board of Trustees are nominated by the Church Board.
o The Board of Trustees should include individuals with financial expertise and spiritual
o Board of Trustees members shall serve for a term of 1 year, with no maximum number of terms.
2. Church Board Composition:
o Members of the Church Board are chosen by the Nomination Committee and approved by the church congregation.
Section 5: Meetings
1. Regular Meetings:
o The Board of Trustees shall meet monthly to review financial matters and put together a monthly budget for all departments.
o The Church Board shall also meet monthly.
o Ensure departmental directors are invited to meetings when discussing budget
impacts on their departments.
2. Quarterly Review:
o The Board of Trustees shall review the budget on a quarterly basis to ensure it remains aligned with the strategic priorities of RTG.
3. Reporting:
o The Secretary of the Board of Trustees is responsible for handling the minutes and record-keeping of meetings.
o The Treasurer handles the records of financial data and brings recaps from the Finance Committee meetings to the Church Board.
Members of RTG church shall elect a nominating committee. The elected nominating committee shall meet and prayerfully consider nominations to present before the church body. Positions eligible for nomination include all board of director positions with exception to elders (spiritual coaches) which will be solely nominated by the pastor under guidance of the Holy Spirit. Nominations are then brought before the church body and presented for two consecutive weeks to allow ample time for the church body at large to prayerfully consider the nominations for new leadership positions. Within the two weeks of consideration any member that does not agree with a nomination or feels that a candidate can not dully and responsibly hold said position shall address their concerns privately to the pastor. Pastor will then address concerns with the nominated candidate and If warranted, may remove candidates name from consideration for board position and ask the nominating committee to consider a different nomination. After the second consecutive week and once all objections have been addressed the nominations will be voted on by RTG members by majority vote and officially affirmed by the body to serve as its new leaders for said term.
The church may provide for the establishment of a School of the Bible Department, young people’s work, relief committees, home and foreign missionary committees, and any other departments or committees as the needs of the work may require. These committees and departments shall be subordinate to the church and shall contribute to the harmony and development of the whole. They shall be under the general supervision of the Board of Elders. The pastor shall be an ex-official member of all committees or departments and shall determine when the need for such committees and departments must be organized.
The Officers of Response to Grace Church shall have power to carry out all of the purposes and powers set forth in Article II. The President and the Secretary-Treasurer’s signature shall be sufficient certificate for negotiating any and all of the provided powers in said Articles.
The bylaws may be amended or changed by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the officers (directors) at any regular or special meeting called for that purpose, provided due notice of such proposed change shall have been made.
Any action to dissolve Response to Grace Church must be approved by a unanimous vote with a quorum present at a duly called meeting. Should said action be taken, the Response to Grace Church assets shall be distributed to NOVO, provided it qualifies at such time for exemption as an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. In the event that NOVO does not qualify or is no longer in existence, the assets of Response to Grace Church shall be distributed to another church or religious organization whose faith aligns with Response to Grace Statement of Faith.